Guinness World Record holders have solved puzzles from EscapeWelt and have given them high praise. They particularly highlighted the idea and the quality of execution of the puzzles.

Meet Peter Schubert - the 'Puzzle King' from Germany – who first assembled the world's largest puzzle: a 54,000-piece puzzle named "Travel Around Art".
Peter has solved Quest puzzle and Labyrinth puzzle from EscapeWelt. He emphasized the originality and complexity of our puzzle ideas as well as the quality of their execution.
"In summary, I really enjoyed these wooden puzzles. Pure enthusiasm! I was also impressed by the high quality of each puzzle piece. Although I am a puzzle expert, both were a real challenge for me. Thumbs up for both puzzles, the EscapeWelt team has come up with something very beautiful. Best regards from me, Peter."

Luisa Figueiredo - the owner of the largest puzzle collection (1047 puzzles) – has been recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records three times. She still holds the record! The Quest Puzzle, Labyrinth Puzzle, and TRIO Colors Puzzle from EscapeWelt have now been added to her collection.
"They are wonderful! Material, craftsmanship, pouches, packaging, high-quality product!" - Luisa shared with us after solving the EscapeWelt puzzles, sending warm words to the whole team to motivate us to develop new products and never stop playing.